Sunday 5 May 2013

From a house wife

Hello friends,

It's a wonderful thing to receive  wedding invitations from relatives because people respect you as a separate family now..but it's not that much wonderful because you have to give gifts too separately :-)

It's great to feel responsible for things other than your studies and marks..but it's not that much great because there are more branches now where people can advice and patronise you always  :-)

It feels good to pray God daily because you are married now, but it doesn't feel that much good because it becomes a mere ritual more than being a connecting tool to God :-)

A sense of 'what will they think?' might nag you have to bear the life history of last generation  women who married at the age of 17 and had two children and maintained a family in your age. :-)

But despite every thing, there is romance and mother go for it...

Saturday 4 May 2013

From a mom-to-be

Hello friends,

It's a wonderful thing to feel a life growing inside you..I have been experiencing it for the last four months..feeling the love taps(typically called 'baby kicks') since last month..I love my unborn baby all the time except  when I get morning sickness(for me, its mostly in evenings),head aches,fatigue,short breathlessness,back's irritating,because you can't complain about it. People easily dismiss anything you complain as normal in pregnancy and  happily gloat about how they managed everything successfully in their pregnancy making you feel inadequate..

The only thing I desperately miss is 'freedom'.You can't go anywhere on your own (This must be the most sickening side effects of pregnancy above everything else)..This doesn't mean I want to be alone,but I'm sick of dependent on others for small things..because of my marriage in December, I couldn't go alone anywhere since November..I didn't touch my bicycle for seven months..

Though I'm happy for a baby,the impending pain of labor and the care of a new tiny life in my responsibility is scaring me out of my wits..Hope the baby I'll have in September will ease all my stress ..Wish me Good Luck..

